Monday, November 30, 2009

Headwinds are exhausting

Trying to make my way from Zadar to Split today, but the headwind is killing me. Since I lost my computer in Italy, I have no way of knowing just how slow Im going, but I feel like it is not a great pace. Still have about 75 KM to go, so I should be able to make it before darkness falls around 430 or 5 PM. Hope to hit a hostel in Split tonight and maybe stay over tomorrow as well, but have another 250 KM from Split to Dubrovnik, so I cant wait around too long. The other option is to get a ferry from Split down to Dubrovnik, but it looks like the next one wont come until Saturday and I cant afford lodging in Split that many nights. The other factor is that they are calling for rain the next couple days, which is really not fun. It isnt quite so cold that I cant battle the rain, but Id prefer not to. Really looks like Im going to be fighting my way all the way to Athens. God knows what those mountains in Monte Negro and Greece have in store for me!
The hardest part of the trip isnt really the riding or physical component at all though. The mental battle is much tougher, and now that I am temporarily without another soul to suffer alongside, its even worse. In any case, the challenges of riding during the day keep my mind off of it, but the night is when it really settles in. I have to be in camp and setup by darkness, which is usually around 5 PM. Then I have nothing to do but think far too much until I can go to bed about 8 or 9 PM. If I go to bed much earlier than this, I cannot sleep until it is time to wake up at 630 or 7am. Arrrgh.
Anyways, Im going to go top off the H2O supplies and try to beat the rain to Split. Ill check in from there later tonight or tomorrow. Cheers!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Killin time in Mali Losinj

As it turns out, Igor's info was slightly off. There was no ferry to Zadar on Thursday, so I had arrived a day early unintentionally. I figured I was going to have to sleep in the woods outside of town, but after a rousing pub session (of which I understood little to none of what was being said) I was housed for the night by an older Croatian gentleman. I still dont know what his name was, what he kept whispering to me as we crept around the building he lived in or why we had to tiptoe around..? Then he wakes me up at 530 because he has to go to work, so I end up sitting on a park bench and looking homeless. Oh...that is right, I AM homeless. I even bought a big fat permanent marker this morning and plan on hunting down some cardboard this afternoon to make a sign. Im thinking this sounds good: Attempting to ride this bicycle around the world. Ask me any question- 5 kuna!
Ill keep you updated on how being a croatian panhandler works. I figure its not really panhandling since Im going to do my best to answer the questions, no matter what subject they are on. I will probably fabricate the bits of science that I dont remember, and surely if it is a question on business, politics, law, philosophy....well, I guess Ill be making up alot of the answers. But the sign doesnt say I have true answers!
Anyways, the ferry doesnt leave here until 4 PM and it is a roughly 7 hour ride. That puts me into Zadar about 15 minutes before the silent party starts at 11. Sure hope I can get a pair of headphones and the hostel doesnt have a lockout. Check out the venue here.
Okay, Ill drop you another note when I get to some internet action...probably tomorrow afternoon! Happy Thanksgiving once again...mine was lacking turkey, but did involve some cold chicken and hard boiled eggs with a man I did not understand at all.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

And then there was one...

Today is a sad day. John and I must part ways. He has decided to go to Spain with his girlfriend after they spend Christmas in Bosnia. I am not quite prepared for this. I dont think Ive ever spent 3 months in the exclusive company of one person, so I expect the seperation to be a bit strange and difficult. I will probably start holding lengthy conversations with my beard.
Rather than spend all of January, Feburary and part of March alone here in Croatia I am going to move on southwards and maybe a bit east. The plan is very much a work in progress, but the rough idea is to go to Athens, Istanbul or Cairo (budget, weather and terrain being the determining factors). From one of these major hubs I should be able to get a relatively cheap one way flight. I have to decide where to.
Bangkok- warm. beaches. cheap. From here I can ride Cambodia (Angkor Wat!), Vietnam (real Pho!) and maybe get some boats to do Phillipines, Malaysia, Indonesia...who knows? Then I have to get a flight home, probably from Bangkok once again.
Buenos Aires- it is summer down there. I can ride to Patagonia and the Amazon. Pretty damn cheap too. Only drawback is the flight is more expensive, so I would have to ride all the way north? Not sure if I have the budget for that, but maybe I can find work.
Los Angeles/Seattle/ West Coast- not really a good option at all right now, because of the weather. The only major plus is that I would be back on the correct continent with plenty of money to ride on.
So my ideal plan, if everything works out alright, would be to ride to Athens, Istanbul and then down to Cairo. From Cairo I would fly to Bangkok, ride SE Asia and then fly to South America and ride north. This would let me accomplish 6 continents, albeit cheating slightly.
Anyways, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving. John and I are going to have our parting meal/Thanksgiving at our favorite restaurant here in Cres. I may not get to eat any turkey, but perhaps I will soon be IN Turkey! HAHAHAHHA.
Hope that answers your questions Mom and DJ Wicky Wick. Ill check in from Zadar after I catch the ferry tomorrow. They have a cool thing called the Sea Organ, Ill tell you all about it!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Super Quick Update

Hey folks...only 6 minutes until the library closes. Just wanted to let you all know that I am still safe, alive and relatively happy here in Croatia. As for news, I believe I will be moving on very soon to try and hit Athens, Istanbul or Cairo in the next two months. From there my rough plan is to find a boat or plane to Bangkok, Buenos Aires or Los Angeles. More details and explanations for this coming soon.

Friday, November 13, 2009

To settle or not?

Welcome to another episode of Bobo the Hobo's neverending dilemmas. Let's bring you up to speed:
John and I have been here on the island of Cres for 3 weeks now. We are pretty well settled in, with a rough daily routine (get up at 7, work 4 hours, lunch, work 2 hours, dinner, bed by 9 out of boredom). Our house is still nowhere near complete with the stairs to the second floor missing, the fridge broken, the water working intermittenly and no heat or fireplace installed. But it is more than a hammock in the woods! Life here isnt exactly rough...we arent freezing (yet) and we have food (although it is somewhat lackluster...mainly tuna, rice, pasta and some greens from the garden). We get a hot shower on most days and have finally established a work schedule of sorts with Igor, which means we get one day off a week.
All that being said, Im starting to lose my mind a little. It is disconcerting that less than a month into my supposed 4 or 5 month stay here Im already antsy. I definately have an itch to get back in the saddle (is this going to be a permanent affliction? It is the same wanderlust that routed me from a rather comfortable life in Chapel Hill- Carrboro). I dont know whether I should push on southward and eastward or jsut suck it up and try to stay put until the warm weather returns to Croatia. One thing is certain: it will be much harder to get through to warmer climates as winter comes in stronger and stronger here (December, January and Feburary). My rough plan is to go south into Serbia and Montenegro then east through Bulgaria to Turkey. Originally I would ride across the north side of Turkey, but if the weather is colder the Turquoise Coast on the south side would be a better choice. From Turkey, things become very tricky. I can try to go through Armenia and Azerbaijan then get a ferry to Turkmenistan and onwards through the Stan states into China and finally down through Nepal to arrive in India. A quicker option would be to go through Iran into Pakistan and on into India. The trick to either route is how do i get the damn visas! Iran will only give me a transit visa, and then only with a tour guide (or a tour company vouchign for me). The Stan brothers are pretty much the same; visas are hard to get and dependent on having exact itineraries or tour guides. The last option is to admit defeat on that front and head back through Europe or down to Africa. Im really baffled as to what to do. I want to see Asia and South America so badly, but it seems so much easier to double back and get a flight from Europe or Africa to South America.
Logisitics aside, the trip is pretty easy going. I really do love life on the road. You wake up, mount up and head out. No concerns about working for anyone or following rules and regulations. Just ride your bike.
Im going to post some new pics and a few videos today too. Be sure to check out the one of John in a gigantic wine barrel. This is one of Igor's crazy projects. We had to retrieve this huge wine cask from a friend's winery, which involved John climbing inside to secure the rings onto it so it wouldn't collapse on the way back. This barrel dwarfs Igor's truck. You havent lived until you are racing down a windy Croatian road at breakneck speeds with a barrel the size of a VW Bug strapped onto your truck, all in hopes of making the last ferry to your deserted island home (which only happens because the crazy Croat at the wheel is calling his friend and asking him to hold the boat, leaving only one hand to shift and steer). Awesome. At least the 160-proof brandy you had back at the winery dulls your sense of caution.
Little jobs like that (or power-hammering your way through 5 feet of solid rock) are what John and I have been up to for the last three weeks. Doesnt leave a whole lot of time for recreation, but my spirits have been lifted by an offer to go scuba diving soon from one of Igor's friends. They assure me that 15 degree water is just fine with a wetsuit (well, Vladko says its fine, Robbie says its too damn cold). I dont care, Ill try anything once! The last time I went diving was in the Keys on a sunny spring day, so doing a night dive off a Croatian island in November seems like logical progression.
Okay folks....I think that is enough of a deluge of things to ponder for now. If youve got any suggestions on whether I should stay or go, or how I should go, or whatnot, please let me know. Especially if any of you know about these visas!
Also, huge props go out to the Gills for a nice donation to keep the motivation up right when it seems to be flagging a bit. We've almost gathered enough to buy our first bike for WBR, so keep em coming folks!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Delay on updates

Hey folks...just wanted to let you know I still havent been able to get to a stronger internet connection and do a thorough update. I thought it would happen last Saturday, then that got pushed to last Monday and then Wednesday and now we're looking at this Friday (2 weeks later, ugh). In any case Im supposed to have the day off on Friday so I can go to the big city and give you all some stories, pics and an entertaining video involving John being sealed inside a wine barrel (dont worry, hes still alive. last i checked at least).
Big thanks go out to Momma for paying my medical bill (the Bura is a freeying Siberian wind, by the way). Also huge thanks to brother Matt and fighterjet Zak for the donations. I think the extra help should assist in getting the proper visas come springtime. Ill also try to figure out how to show you how much money we have raised for WBR soon. Until Friday, keep it real. But not too real.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Part of the system again

Happy Birthday Troy.
I am now part of the consumer-capitalist machine again; I got a cellphone yesterday, so if you want to skype me i think it would cost you like .45 a minute or something...check it out on their site. The number is +385955977774 i believe. I dont expect you all to pay and call me, but if you are dying to hear my voice it is your best bet. I dont know if I will figure out a way to skype from here. Hopefully in the next days I will have a chance to get on better internet and there will be a longer blogpost as well as new videos and pics. Trying to keep warm and stay out of the Bura, so Im going to go bundle up and read!