Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sorry for the anti-climax

I have to admit that I got a little caught up in all the friend-and-family visiting at the end of my journey and failed miserably to update the blog and explain how everything panned out in the end. While this probably comes as no surprise to anyone who read my sporadic posts over the last year, I feel compelled to document the last few weeks of my trip (at least as much as my hazy, faded memory will allow me to). If this doesn't interest you and you'd rather read about my difficulties re-adjusting to a life where I'm a contributing (and stationary) member of society, bear with me a week or two.
The last entry had me arriving in Akron, Ohio. Most of my extended family on my mother's side calls Akron home so needless to say I was well accommodated and catered to. Ohio in July is not the most pleasant riding weather but I was fortunate enough to find a route which lead me into town along an old canal; though the temperature was unpleasant the scenery was at least verdant and enjoyable. I rolled up to Grandma Paulette's house and after a quick shower was whisked off for some drinks and food with my aunts and their friends at a swanky restaurant called Ken Stewart's. Both of my aunts work for Clinique cosmetics and most of their friends are involved in beauty/retail; obviously I felt a bit funny (or awesome) crashing a "girls' night out" of attractive retail ladies. After a few appetizers at Ken Stewart's I walked across the street to meet up with Gamma P and my two young cousins for some delicious Chinese food. At this point I was feeling pretty stuffed and was grateful when we finally retired to the Kapper's house.
Upon arriving at the Kapper household Uncle Chris (or half-uncle ?...more on that later) gave me a warm welcome and told me he had stocked the fridge in preparation. I reluctantly (not really) got a cold beer and we all sat about on the porch catching up and talking about all sorts of things. Cousin Charles was present with plenty of witty insights as well. The next few days were filled with similar back-porch music (Chris has the most astounding music collection I have ever seen) and conversation sessions interspersed with watching Charles play Halo and making some great meatballs with Grandma. Cousin Francis and I made an attempt at going to the pool one day but gray skies and drizzle made the outing a pretty dull affair and we gave up after only about an hour. At one point as the Kapper family and I were driving back from downtown Akron (after having just seen a totally rockin' Moody Blues cover band) we got into the aforementioned discussion of half-relatives. I'm still pretty sure I'm correct on this one, but feel free to inform me otherwise. If you get married, what is your relation to your spouse's sibling's spouse? I'm pretty sure its absolutely nothing, not even technically an in-law. Upon my decreeing this Uncle Chris concluded that he could not possibly be more than my half-Uncle. It's all a bit too confusing.
After one more entertaining evening with the family I hit the road on a muggy gray morning and pedaled towards Pennsylvania, rain threatening at my back.

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