Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Island Hobo

Just a quick note so nobody is worried I died from food poisoning. I'm out on Ko Lanta hanging out and enjoying the beach. Tomorrow I will probably get a ferry over to Krabi and then begin riding over to Phuket. Internet is kind of pricey here (relatively speaking) and I want to go grab some breakfast but I'll try to do a more thorough update soon!


  1. Glad to hear you are doing better! Keep on biking and look forward to your blogs. Haven't missed much here except rotten weather.
    Cold, snow, cold, wet, rain, rain, and then maybe some more snow....
    How's the weather there today???
    ;-) Ben Freeman

  2. DC is bracing for the biggest blizzard in 90 Years.We are just getting lots of rain.
    Keep the updates coming. Colleen says you might be in Ohio this summer?
