Friday, January 15, 2010

Malaysian Burgers

I'm not sure I should have just eaten that. It tasted good enough, and was so cheap I couldn't resist finding out but the color was quite unsettling. Guess we'll see in a couple hours. Im absolutely starving even though I've eaten 2 meals in the last hour so I might go get something else, but then I dont have much of a control to tell what it is that will finally make me sick. A risk I'm willing to take. Good news is the supermarkets here in Malaysia are not shy on the peanut butter, so I always have that as a backup.
Managed to get a fairly early start today, hitting the road by 730am. Even so the sun still tortured me. It was mostly overcast but this equatorial sun doesn't care one bit. I was literally watching my skin blister as sweat tried to escape from under the scorched bits. No amount of sunscreen seems to be able to stay put in this hot, humid sweatfest either. The REI stuff I have works but Ill be running out of that soon. Maybe I should write to Coppertone and offer my test subject services.
Anyways, I HAD to get the early start since I had such a distance to cover. What I thought would be 140 km turned out to be 160. A couple gentle hills in the morn followed by flat coastal jungle cruising the rest of the day. Finally arrived in Pekan and searched out a hotel. It is one of the most frightening places I've ever stayed but I absolutely could not fathom sleeping out in the woods without a shower after sweating so much today. The shower was the oh-so-wonderful Malaysian bucket and scoop variety.
One thing Ive noticed lately is that Im starting to run out of brain fodder for all this alone time. I basically rehash the same topics over and over in my head. How much I can't wait to build a new bicycle when I get home. What kind of employment I should seek out. Where I want to live. Who/what I miss the most. How long I can afford to keep riding. But beyond these things, I can't seem to come up with anything creative. Shouldn't I be able to solve some of life's deep mysteries? Maybe gain some telekinesis or Professor X powers? Im a bit frustrated at this point.
Well, tomorrow is another long day...maybe I'll discover something up in the old noggin. Going to ride the *98* or so km to Cherating which is touted to be some sort of traveller's/backpacker's hangout village on the beach. From what I've seen of the mainland beaches so far I doubt much swimming will be happening. Regardless I'm looking forward to seeing how accurate Rough Guide's claims are (so far their map is not impressive). Let's just home I can cram enough food in my piehole to recharge the legs...they feel like two sacks of lead at the moment. Can't upload to this stupid computer, so the pics will come next time. Cheers!


  1. miss me know it.

  2. I really enjoy reading your blog and looking at your pictures. As you've heard before: wow, what an amazing adventure!
    xo, Connie

  3. hi:) i don't know who you miss the most, but i miss you! used to it by now, you'd think... anyways, you could always make up poems in your head, a la s.poe?! just an idea...have fun! sarah

  4. One hen
    Two Ducks
    Three squawking geese
    Four corpulent cockatoos
    Five periodontal birds with tweezers
    Six macedonians travelling south for the winter
    Seven blue footed boobies bundled in a bubbling hot bourbon spring
    Eight escaped albatros playing hopscotch on the rocks with Tupac
    Nine busy buzzing buzzards whizzing wildly overhead
    Ten rambunctious ravens readily steadily shaking their heads
    Eleven callus crows calling caw to the kids at the croquet complex
    Twelve gringo flamingos copying cutting and pasting hastily at the Kinkos
    Thirteen shocked peacocks in a rage shaking glocks at the locks on their cage
    Fourteen preteen osprey coming clean about gleaning canteens in a bidet
    Fifteen wary woodpeckers wilfully writing wry words on stall walls
    Sixteen birds of prey politely passing parkay at a persian buffet
    Seventeen terrified turkeys turning away from beligerent cyclists cycling the parkway
    Eighteen petite parakeet neetly eating sweet treats discreetly discussing treaties.

    I suggest memorizing this and repeating it throughout your rides.

    You're welcome
